Jerri: Bula is the word for hello in Fijian. It is the third and final night of our (so far) uneventful and pleasant passage to Fiji. After arrival, it’s necessary to anchor and go through a rigorous check in procedure…
Goodbye Tonga
Jerri: We are off! It’s a short 3 night passage to Fiji. Our last several days in Tonga were very nice. We didn’t manage to get out to the outer islands, but spent time in two great anchorages in Vavau.…
Jerri: Tim and I are back to being on our own after five weeks with the kids. Two with all of them and three more with Elizabeth and Alex. We slept nearly twelve hours last night so I guess they…
Whale Watching in Tonga
Today we experienced one of those special moments that’s almost impossible to describe. The goosebumps are still at work and the sense of awe still running through my veins, but I’ll do my best to describe the indescribable in words.…
First Seven Jobs
Saw a meme on Brad Feld’s Blog and though I’d join in on posting my first seven jobs. 1. Camp Counselor – The best time of every year was when I went to summer camp. In 7th grade (Age 12)…
Jerri: Tonga is treating us well. Two nights ago we were invited to a cocktail party on board Moonshadow, our friend John and Deb’s boat who we met in Fakarava. It’s a 62′ Deshaue (sp?) designed boat – very beautiful…
Jerri: We made it! Never a doubt. We arrived to Vava’u late Saturday afternoon after losing a day crossing the international date line. We picked up a mooring ball near our friends on Speakeasy and sat down for an Anchor…
Sunday Brunch in Tonga
Back to civilization and eating out. We had fish and cheeseburgers. I think Pork for dinner.
night 4
Jerri: I’m sorry that we can’t reply to comments on our blog posts. We send our posts and receive the comments via email over the sat phone. It takes too much time to log into the website. We love the…