day 4


We are nearly 96 hours into our passage with 3 days to go. Yesterday was still a bit rough, but we had good winds and made great progress. Plus we were able to sleep! The wind continued to be good until after dawn. Tim put the screecher up solo and it went smoothly. I did insist on getting up to observe, but he didn’t need any help. We kept that sail up for a few hours before the wind died even more and we turned the engines on. Tim also got the screecher down and safely put away on his own. I’m a little debilitated today. Last Monday during the storm, I twisted my knee while dealing with the emergency hatch sea water issue. The floor was wet and I was rushing around. It was sore, but nothing severe. Yesterday I was heading down to shower, stepped down into the stateroom area right as the boat surged to port and pushed me forward a little. When I landed on my foot there was a pop in the knee and I was down. It was unpleasant for awhile and I wasn’t convinced I’d be able to unbend my knee or get up off the floor, but managed to do both with a lot of assist from Tim. I’ve been icing and taking advil and maybe it will be okay?? I can walk and only the back is puffy with no bruising, but it doesn’t want to bend. My hope is that it will be okay by the time we reach NZ, but, if not, at least it will be semi-easy to try to figure out there rather than in Tonga or somewhere. Glad we decided to save Vanuatu for next year. In the meantime, I can do stuff, but slowly and probably not going to be helpful climbing around outside. So there you have it. Another thrilling day aboard Agility.

One thought on “day 4


    So sorry about the knee, Jer. I’ve seen firsthand what an assist you are when sailing rough seas so I hope it’s smooth sailing for you and Tim the rest of the way to New Zealand.